Saxony also provides blue biotechnology now

"Saxony also provides blue biotechnology now." With these words, BromMarin was welcomed in the circle of the Biosaxony e.V. The frame could not have been better. Roland Göhde, chairman of Biosaxony e.V., briefly acknowledged the activity of BromMarin in his opening speech at the 7th German Biotechnology Days in Leipzig. In addition, he spoke about the development of the Saxonian biotechnology industry and their newest members.

What does blue biotechnology mean? The range of applications in biotechnology is quite vividly distinguished by color. Red biotechnology means for medicine and green biotechnology for agriculture. Blue biotechnology, however, refers to the sea and covers all technologies in order to tap the potential of this habitat for humans. More than 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with ocean. The biodiversity of the sea is large and compared to land, the ocean’s evolution is 2.7 billion years ahead. Nevertheless, the chemistry connects human and sea as in both media reproduction and enemy defense take place in the aqueous environment. Regarding the sponge, BromMarin integrates the great potential of the sea within their vision: "We strive to make the mechanisms, which made sponges survive for millions of years, applicable to mankind."

Back to Leipzig, to the Biotechnology Days. In course of the two days, a balanced program of lectures, opportunities for exchange, and an evening event at Leipzig’s City Hall was offered. Especially for a start-up it shows once again that the work in the laboratory forms the basis, which can only be successfully implemented, however, by personal contact with partners, potential customers and investors. Therefore, we thank the responsible persons from Biosaxony e.V. for the invitation and the excellent organization.

With this in mind: See you soon in person.

(image copyright: biosaxony e.V.)



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