- by BromMarin
Of entrepreneurs, our web presence and blogging
It’s the 9th September, the sun is shining over Freiberg and that is a good thing. The BromMarin team is entering the slightly dusty, venerable office of the notary. 2 hours later, everything is done and BromMarin Ltd. (under incorporation) hits the road.
3 weeks passed since then, but of course they have not been unproductive. Meanwhile we are allowed to omit the “under incorporation” in the company name. The foundation is completed. We take this delightful occasion as an opportunity to launch the BromMarin homepage. We tried not to overload our web rocket but rather to launch it lucid. The interested user will find hints about the founders and our products as well as this blog. Subsequently, a few more lines about our motivation for blogging.
As entrepreneurs we are confident about our start-up, fascinated by the marine field and driven by state of the art research. This is exactly what we would like to share. At random intervals we inform our partners, customers and investors about the status, news and things that happen when you least expect them. In our view we can achieve a balance between feelings and facts best by blogging. That’s why we blog.
Why did we go without a comment function? Very simple: We would like to give insights into BromMarin but also held responsible for the liability of possible denunciating comments made by third parties. This is not what we want nor what we are capable of. Neither are we willing to check comments prior to the publication. If you are interested in exchanging your views with us, as we hope for, please use the contact function, write an email or just call us. We are definitely also interested in criticism.
Best wishes from the team BromMarin – now as GmbH / Ltd.
P. S. And who knows what is still possible with regards to direct mutual communication once we keep growing :)
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